A systematic, consistent process for collecting information about a patient’s actual medication use is critical for assessing outcomes and preventing medication errors.  This online learning module, customized to the primary care environment, provides a practical approach to teach clinicians how to engage patients and caregivers in a dialogue about their medications.  Steps to identify and resolve medication information discrepancies are presented.

At the end of this module you should be able to:

1.      Understand the role of MedRec and how it affects patient care

2.      Improve your ability to engage patients and caregivers in discussions to collect a comprehensive BPMH

3.      Apply a consistent approach to identify and resolve medication discrepancies

4.      Demonstrate learning through a completion of a case study.

Who should take this module?

Healthcare practitioners working in primary care including: physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, and other allied healthcare professionals involved in the patient’s circle of care.

What is included in this module?

·         What is MedRec

·         Medication issues in primary care

·         MedRec process including collecting a BPMH

·         Case study: transitioning from hospital to home

Program Cost:  Single user: CAD $9.95 plus applicable taxes

Organization: Contact ISMP Canada for our special organizational rates.  Note: Module can be uploaded to a Learning Management System (LMS) that supports SCORM 1.2 for organization-wide access.

A Best Possible Medication History (BPMH) is a history created using 1) a systematic process of interviewing the client/family; and 2) a review of at least one other reliable source of information to obtain and verify all of a client’s medication use (prescribed and non-prescribed). 3) Complete documentation includes medication name, dosage, route and frequency. The BPMH is more comprehensive than a routine primary medication history which may not include multiple sources of information.

Medication Reconciliation is a formal process in which healthcare providers partner with clients to ensure accurate and complete medication information transfer at interfaces of care. It involves a systematic process for obtaining a medication history and using that information to compare to medication orders in order to identify and resolve discrepancies. It is designed to prevent potential medication errors and adverse drug events.


ISMP Canada and Health Quality Ontario (2015). Ontario Primary Care Medication Reconciliation Guide. https://www.ismp-canada.org/download/PrimaryCareMedRecGuide_EN.pdf